The Guns in the Hands of Artists exhibition was conceived of by artist Brian Borrello in the mid 1990's to create a conversation about guns in our society by bringing the discussion into the realm of art; without the often partisan and polarized politics that surround the issue. Art is the perfect medium with which to spark conversations about these difficult and divisive topics.
Using art as the language for dialogue… Decommissioned guns taken off the streets were disseminated to artists to use as the raw materials in their art. Painters, glass artists, sculptors, photographers, poets, and other artists used the decommissioned firearms to make works of art. Each artist used the guns in their medium to express a thought, make a statement, open a discussion and stimulate thinking about guns in our culture.
Over the past 18 years, gun violence has continued to be a major issue that affects the very fabric of American culture. Guns permeate the American landscape. From Sandy Hook to Minneapolis, deadly violence is a daily occurrence in our society. From the kid on the street corner killed by a stray bullet to the mass murders at Columbine, guns and the people that use them are wreaking havoc on America. With the recent mass shootings of the past years, artist/ gallery owner Jonathan Ferrara, the producer of the original Guns in The Hands of Artists project, has been compelled to revisit the exhibition and reopen the dialogue that was started many years ago.
Pillsbury United Communities is honored to host this exhibition in Minnesota as a way to continue the conversation about gun-violence in our communities. Sponsored by Greater Twin Cities United Way, Gary and Chris Cohen and Cindy Kent, the partners hope to bring to light the increasing gun-violence affecting our community and spark unbiased conversations and responsible solutions.
Limited Exhibition
May 3-28, 2016
Pillsbury House + Theatre
free and open to the public
Full Exhibition
June 3-19, 2016
Public Functionary
free and open to the public
(Please contact us in advance if you have any special needs for entry into the building, or seating. We would be happy to plan in advance so you can comfortably enjoy the exhibition.)